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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Peace language Eric Omondi Speaks

No doubt that indeed Eric Omondi is the most hilarious Kenyan comedian. Watching this guy perform always like ever brings the entire audience into a lifelong laughter, insatiable and real. The guy has the best recipe it takes to blow off the entire roof with thunderous laughter amidst cheers from the crowd. As a matter of 'IT IS' the guy has indeed added spice to the laugh industry. At any one time the slender (1GB) young man is on stage, an air of jubilance, excitement and utter enjoyment rents the atmosphere. Any performance from him literally leaves the crowds gasping for air leave alone hurting the ribs.

One thing I never fail to note in every of such comical performances is how the entire audience unites in eternal oneness. Just everyone has to laugh including the few who never quite understand the joke. These are the few moments when everything else is laid aside in wholeness. This is indeed one of the reasons why comedy is to me the best options in any menu.

The specimen I want our lenses to capture in all these is the atmosphere of unity, peace and harmony that prevails in such instances. Not a single element of disparity comes into play. With all the colossal differences in the crowd, laughter justifiably remains just that. They all voluntarily display their varied sets of dental formula because "it is funny”. That’s all! They have a course which is neutrally unifying. At such a moment the woman laughs as the man, the rich as the not-so-rich, the fat as the slim, the brown as the dark, the Kikuyu as the Luo,the Kamba as the Luhya,the ODM as the TNA,the Christians as the Moslems-Kenyans. Whatever polarization does not matter and is not cognizable.

The sparkle that glows is that of solemn togetherness and unity. All joined into oneness on a common course. It is not lost to wishful thinking that the status quo would remain in eternity. If only Kenyans would assume the spirit and think, plan and act solely on the common epicenter of being Kenyans!!If only our politics were played in the single line of issues ailing our country and just that! Imagine a Kenya built on common facts and agenda. Where tribalism is nowhere is our national dictionary. A country where every Kenyan is treated on the basis of being Kenyan rather than from which region he/she hails from. A nation where we count on leadership and not individuals. The same way the slim young guy sets the all and sundry laughing. Regardless of his age, size,color,religion,tribe,race,lifestyle etc;Eric Omondi makes the audience laugh. Nobody even takes time to study his brown-dyed hair which my grandmother could rightly mistake for malnourishment!!

Guys, it is time we started acting under the common brand of KENYA and just that. Long forgotten should be days when it was all about protecting the interests of "our tribe”. Back then when a Kamau would not marry Achieng' nor Mekatilili court Lonyang'puo, tribalism overrode everything else. Currently things have changed a bit. Nevertheless, tribal affiliation remains at the helm of  every aspect in our lives, but fact be told-it is long overdue and need be overhauled.

Common sense dictates that nobody made a choice on what tribe they would want to belong to. That tells you that you as well have been Cherono as you are Mutiso or Shitanda as you are Mohammed. The logic of being superior to the other from the tribal point of argument is thus highly unfounded and wishful. The 'him/she' could just have been you as well!!Achievements and/or endowments are superficially coincidental and fateful and should never be biased to reflect superiority. The same way the length of your name has little to do with your height, InspectorMwala is very short whereas my friend Job is dangerously tall. In the same breath, don’t imagine that because you come from a tribe known for prowess in hunting you can automatically make the best herders. That will be an illusion and an optimistic misconception that will never yield. God is most fair and calculating. He gives A this and B that. I doubt I ever need to remind you that unity is strength-it is far much common than I can type here.

Day dreaming of jovial Kenyans united in cheering achievements like done to our comedian is relieving and fulfilling. That imagination of a Kenya nation glued together by love and acceptance for our national display is excellent. That miracle that can transform the "my people/our people" to "my country/our country" is absolutely healing and desirable. I can but only imagine!!But it is attainable-if only you and I could embrace the spirit of ‘IT IS’(funny,true,sensible,good,bad etc) and shun of the ‘I/WE ARE

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