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Thursday, November 01, 2012


Thumbs up Marketing Students Association (MSA).Yours was an excellent job. There could never have been a better way to strengthen comrades than giving information. All will acclaim to the fact that decision making revolves around the kernel of information. The above average delivery can be best described by looking at the kind of speakers availed.
The splendid experience unfolding in the gist of the Ahadi Kenya MD, Dr.Stanley Kamau. Just from the outlook, the message was obvious that he could have had no better a substitute. In a cool expensive suit the impression created was that of a learned, composed and highly experienced professional. The powerful speech further affirmed the intellectual prowess of Dr.Kamau. His eloquence and smooth flow of ideas is again unparalleled. This is the kind if a guy you never find referring from scribbled reminder notes but without a single compromise to his eloquence. The message sinks home in a stylish and sequential way that reminds you of the monotonous PowerPoint.In utmost, it need be captured a crucial lesson from the Ahadi Kenya MD.That of determination. In equal measure, responsibility was highly advocated and most uniquely the spirit of benevolence. With the artistic interesting narration of his life experiences, it was not lost in the least to the audience that Dr.Stanley had indeed a story to tell. Otherwise how would explain the miraculous transformation from a matatu conductor, at some time, to director of several key companies? Capping it all was the resounding message: giving is paramount for success.
Lucy Mmari the CEO careerDirections Ltd did little to frustrate the already smoking hot rhythm set. The young-looking mother of four provided what I conclusively tagged as the most relevant, not watering down the rest, topic to the audience. A conspicuous message all through her speech is that bargain for a job supersedes paper qualification. All inclusive from the hectic CV writing to the sickening job interviews and tricky task of retaining a job. Justifiably speaking, such a presentation can be rightfully equated to inviting to a feast a starving man. Comrades need more of such in future if the backlog in unemployment is to be fatally dealt with.
A good public speaker will tell you just how an uphill task it is to speak after a good speaker. It is so much a headache to simply flow along an already set high mood in the audience.Notwithstanding; Ms Catherine Kasavuli ain't the kind to grow goose pimples on such fear. The Royal Media PR Manager made a stylish entrance to the stage that alone thrilled the crowd. An infectious smile, unfathomed brilliance and a lazy swing on her high heels did the magic. A further dance with the MC to the ‘Strength of a Woman’ left the audience with little to guess on what to expect from the age-defiant lady. Most emphatically her message revolved around being multifaceted. That ability to multi-task things comfortably. She further stressed on the need to discover ones passion in order to unleash full potential.Artistically,the ‘queen of the TV waves’ reconciled her professional experience in the media to bring on board the career line of the audience-business students.With such staff,it is now clear why Royal Media has managed to define a clear niche in the media industry.
Daniel Ndambuki alias Churchill/Mwalimu King’ang’i.The mere typing of his name tempts a laughter. Spade be called spade, the Classic 105 morning breakfast show co-host is the most accurate definition for ‘funny.’ Cutting across all through from his stylish arrival in a miniature, environment friendly car that reminds you of a fat mouse to entering the hall like sneaking. As a matter of ‘obvious’ it ended up the opposite. The keen imploring eyes of the audience could have readily distinguished him from a myriad of disguised guys. It is good to mention here that the guy looks excellently physically fit, a sure sign of a great menu! A protruding tummy resembling that of a fed-up tycoon and sagging, fleshy cheeks that remind you of a well-fed supermarket kitten. All packed in a striped shirt, dark trousers and an expensive look completed the fabulous comedian. That said the presentation bit literally brought down the roof with laughter. For a truth, any word from Mwalimu King’ang’i is either funny or very funny. All way from giving three meanings to the MRC dose-The GSU to acting the drama scene as a big mahogany tree. On the serious side of funny, a prevalent theme in the presentation revolved around determination, perseverance, optimism and hard work. A close study at his experiences depicts a nature of the stubborn boil that will never depart. Deep down the ever comical guy lies the focused, determined and ambitious fellow. It is only thus it can be understood his unending nagging to the US embassies for a visa. At least that’ just how it paid off by him receiving the noble, coveted stately invitation during the Obama inauguration.
Above all, Churchill impacted an all time lesson to the audience .That of climbing the ladder and giving a hand to the fellow behind you in the lower steps. In his own words and realistically,  the very same persons will cushion and bounce you back to the former position in case of a downfall.Flatly,he never minced words in putting it in black and white that there will always be forces to pull you down. Sealing it all were his words of advice: be wealthy and not just rich.
Truly speaking, Mr.Ndambuki could never have celebrated his nth birthday in a better style. The delicious cake told it all. Amidst all that, one thing I discovered is that Churchill is NOT funny; he is TOO funny!!!
To the organizers of the event, hats off! You guys did a commendable job.                                       

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Peace language Eric Omondi Speaks

No doubt that indeed Eric Omondi is the most hilarious Kenyan comedian. Watching this guy perform always like ever brings the entire audience into a lifelong laughter, insatiable and real. The guy has the best recipe it takes to blow off the entire roof with thunderous laughter amidst cheers from the crowd. As a matter of 'IT IS' the guy has indeed added spice to the laugh industry. At any one time the slender (1GB) young man is on stage, an air of jubilance, excitement and utter enjoyment rents the atmosphere. Any performance from him literally leaves the crowds gasping for air leave alone hurting the ribs.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dr.Bitange Ndemo,PS Ministry of Communications, to chair SocialPRO clubs Launch at UoN School of Business on 25th Oct 2012

Set  for Launch on 25th Oct 2012

The ministry of information and communications in Kenya  are endorsing social media clubs in Universities in Kenya, a first that is set to see lecturers and students take social media as a positive contributor to their education.

The social media clubs will be launched October  25 at the University of Nairobi, School of Business then be spread to other universities.
The social media clubs dubbed ‘SocialPro Clubs’ were introduced by four students namely; Gitonga Munene, Muthuri Kinyamu, Victor Mutua, Munene Marete and Wangari Munene (USIU) through  their social media consultancy firm ,Social Edge Africa, based at Nairobi Hub.
The initiative is endorsed by the ministry of information and communications and Dr. Bitange Ndemo; the PS at the ministry will spark of the event as  chief guest  and other speakers will inlude media personality Cynthia Nyamai,MD Cynthia Nyamai Communications,  Evans Muriu, Founder of Kuna Vijana Initiative and Wanadamu, Muthuri Kinyamu, Team Leader – Social Edge, Doreen Waithera Ng’ang’a, CEO Marketing Society of Kenya, Kennedy Gathu Lari Smart Villages and Sriram Bharatam, Founder and Chief Mentor of Kuza Biashara.
The  university chapters will work closely with  the Marketing Students Association (MSA) and Business Information Students Association (BISSA), both of University of Nairobi.
Founder and business director Social Edge Africa , 24 year old Muthuri Kinyamu, the founder told TechMoran, “The core objective of these clubs is to teach, educate, create awareness and impart knowledge & skills of various disciplines of social media and platforms to the university students”.
He added,”The initiative seeks to develop a talent pool of graduates with a solid understanding of new media to bridge the knowledge gap and demand there is today for people with skills and expertise in various disciplines of social media especially.” 
According to Muthuri these clubs will help students unlock the potential of social media, expose them to the limitless possibilities online and help academic departments use social media networking sites to teach and share content and make learning more fun.
Students will learn to create, optimize and share digital content in various formats with students across various platforms as well as help them embrace new media and thus use it to connect, engage and gain valuable feedback from the students. Through these clubs the faculty shall establish processes that control the publishing and monitoring of their content online and globally.
He said the clubs will recruit social media ambassadors for the campaign dubbed “BE A SOCIALPRO” which will also help foster peace as the March 2013 elections. The founder says the initiative seeks to promote responsible ways of using social media for the good of all.
Here is the presentation schedule of the launch event.

25th October 2012: from 9:00am to 5:00pm
Speakers Schedule.
Activity and Time Speaker Topic
     9:00-10:30am The dean; School of Business.The head of mgt science departThe head of marketing depart Welcome Remarks
Presentation one   10:30 hrs Evans Muriu (@VanceMuriu)Founder of Kuna Vijana Initiative and Wanadamu.  Social Media For Non profits. A presentation on Wanadamu.
Presentation two 11:15 hrs Muthuri Kinyamu (@kenyanMarketer)Team Leader – Social Edge A Presentation on SocialPRO clubs concept.
Presentation seven 11:30 hrs Doreen Waithera Ng’ang’aCEO Marketing Society of Kenya. Integrating Social Media To The Marketing Mix & New Careers In Marketing.
Presentation four  12:15 hrs Kennedy GathuLari Smart Villages. Connecting Lari community using social media and mobile technologies
Presentation Five 12:30 hrs Cynthia Nyamai. TV Personality and MD: Cynthia Nyamai Communications. Communication on New Media. Challenges & Opportunities.
Lunch Break(13:10-14:00 hrs) Lunch Break Lunch Break
Presentation six  14:00 hrs Sriram Bharatam, (@SBharatam)Founder and Chief Mentor of Kuza Biashara Scaling up a Startup.
Keynote address 14:30 hrs Bitange Ndemo (@Bantigito)Permanent SecretaryMinistry of Information & Tech Keynote speech.
Presentation 15:15 hours Ken Njiru-Ungwana InitiativeCarole Kariuki- CEO KEPSA Mkenya Daima Presentation
Discussion & presentation 16:00 hours. Calvin Nyakundi; Meru University student who was suspended for tweeting. Social Media Etiquette and Online Freedom.Q & A Session to lead to panel discussion

Monday, October 15, 2012


 Note From Muthuri Kinyamu
 Isaac Mburu  is a freshman at the University of Nairobi, school of business. The very first week he reported to school he had contacted me to be part of the team organizing the launch of SocialPRO  clubs. Isaac is an amazing guy, when you meet him you'll wish you were like him in your first year in campus. He always wants to be involved in tech events and activities that will equip him with skills. He already knows what he will major in, has a career path already defined and he's not just sleeping when he has no classes! This is why I tag him along to events I get invited to and share others with him expose him to the realities of the corporate world and ensure he participates in as many events to learn more. Since he wants to start blogging, I invited him to guest post on my blog. Read his article below.

The most primary objective of any University programme is to model a student in preparation for the outside world, not just with emphasis on employment by churning job creators to the economy. As a matter of fact it takes more than the sole 3-hour sitting through a long, boring and educative lecture. It calls and desires for a proactive and ambitious approach to issues within and without the University especially considering the neck-breaking competition for jobs and opportunities in our ailing Kenyan market.

Nonetheless, all is not lost especially to the "fighter-configured" persons. By this I refer to the focused and 'market-like' competent guys. You know them, those that will grasp the least of opportunities as long as they have nothing to lose. The same comrades you see scribbling down their names on every membership list of various clubs in the university. It is pretty obvious that an aggressive zeal and activity pays in the end. After all, need I retype the cliché that a long journey starts with a single step?

You have to get started. The sooner the better, as a matter of fact it is a big pity to they that are so far directing all their efforts to book knowledge and that alone. At the end of the day you will be required to leverage the theory in your head with actual output. With all sobriety and realistic logic, you must start somewhere. At least something out of the normal CCS01, DBA101,CCS010 et cetera.

You guys (University of Nairobi students) are lucky to be in a premier university. The best in Eastern and Central Africa, ISO certified and of course the only university in Kenya that takes an article "The"!!!!. However it is one thing to be in a PREMIER UNIVERSITY and another to be a PREMIER GUY. It takes an effort not to be buried in the guise of being among the complacent family of 'lucky few that managed it to a world-class university'-You have indeed heard the phrase for the umpteenth time just this soon. The issue is whether you will, at the end of the day, add up to being as distinguished as 'The University'.

A creative and aggressive Mr.Muthuri Kinyamu had all this information at the tip of his fingers when he nurtured the idea of SocialPRO clubs. The University of Nairobi student who is yet to graduate knowing it all wouldn't rest the matter at that. 5 months after completing his studies, the young ambitious man is already CEO and founder of Social Edge Africa.

 Further to this , the company has now come up with another brainchild, the SocialPRO clubs. Realistically speaking, this is going to be the next big and coolest thing in our universities. The clubs set to be launched on the 25th of October will definitely be a wonderful asset to the campus students especially. Basically, these will serve as interactive platforms between the corporate world, NGOs, Lecturers, Government, other stakeholders and the University students. The overriding idea being to create a networking platform between all these stakeholders with an aim of mutual beneficial relationship either of the partners. The business sector will, needless to say, find a rich avenue to outsource qualified candidates as employees. On their part, the students will be able to link up with employers early enough such that there won't be a vacuum after graduation and employment. As a matter of fact, most will end up being hired long before they graduate. Mr.Muthuri can acclaim to this having started working long before he graduated with big brands including The Coca-Cola company among others.

The project has so far had the backing of various corporates including The University of Nairobi, Kuza Biashara ltd and Nairobi Hub mentioning but a few. The government has equally supported the idea notably being that the launch will be chaired by the PS Communication Dr.Bitange Ndemo. This is clear demonstration of the momentum with which the clubs are taking off as well as the magnitude with which they will revolutionize the employment and business sectors among others. To find more information on this, Like Social Edge Africa on Facebook and follow Muthuri on Twitter @KenyanMarketer on twitter for more updates.

Just in case you have something Isaac can do; an internship, a part time job he can do or invite him to an event please share it with him through (ixhowint@gmail.com)
<a href="http://www.muthurikinyamu.blogspot.com"><b></b></a>